Using your stash to make improvisational quilts
This was a fast and easy improvisational quilt that goes with a book club theme to make a reading mat or blanket.
Using your stash to make improvisational quilts
This was a fast and easy improvisational quilt that goes with a book club theme to make a reading mat or blanket.
What's the best project for the beginning quilter?
How to begin quilting? If you already sew, try a mug rug or table runner.
What's the best project for the beginning quilter?
How to begin quilting? If you already sew, try a mug rug or table runner.
To Stash or Not to Stash, That is the Question!
To Stash or Not To Stash, That is the Question! Do you have a stash or are you more of a quilt project person? Good reasons to build a stash...
To Stash or Not to Stash, That is the Question!
To Stash or Not To Stash, That is the Question! Do you have a stash or are you more of a quilt project person? Good reasons to build a stash...